Saturday 24 January 2009

Tip Four: Exercise For Free and save £360

A quickfire post after yesterday's semi-recycled tip.
Readers - after eight years of gym membership I have gone cold turkey and walked out on my gym membership.
It's not because I don't exercise. I do - I love it.
When my children were small it was a way of multi-tasking - carving me-time and obtaining a shot of endorphins without resorting to drugs and alcohol. I did keep up with sex and rock n' roll 'though.
Anyway I digress.
Why do I go to the gym?
1. To catch up with my friend.
2. To find out the latest gossip about what our gym instructor is up to with other members of the class.
3. To get fit.
4. To burn calories.
5. To get some me-time.
It occurred to me that I can get all those things and cancel my membership and multi-task.
If I run with the dog I will free up 30 minutes to have coffee with my friend, find out the gossip have some double me-time (run and gossip), burn the calories, get fit and all for free.

Total projected annual saving so far: £2,968.00
Silver lining bonus: I don't have to watch sweaty alpha males strutting their oversized stuff around the gym anymore.


  1. Now that makes me feel better! Have just been deliberating over whether I should go to gym or not... thanks for making my mind up...

  2. Love the way this blog is going, these are great tips! Makes me think about what I can do differently.
